Well, I'm at it again. Time for another run to: 1) ensure I get out of the office at night, and 2) keep my fundraising muscles in good condition.
It's official! I signed up to run my third Red, White, & Boom Half-Marathon on July 4, 2012. I'm a member of their 1776 Society, which just means I've run all two of the two Red, White & Boom Half-Marathons, continuously shouting "the Red Coats are coming, the Red Coats are coming!!" Okay, that last part is not true, but I SOOO wanted to.
Less than three months to go to race day! Well, that might SEEM like a lot of time, but there's no time to waste in getting in those training runs (starting April 17.) At least I can check that big thing (registration) off of my list.
I'm running again to support the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota (PAM), an uber-effective nonprofit that does the great work of saving cool old buildings. Full disclosure: I'm PAM's Executive Director, so I'm biased. But, check back and maybe I'll get some testimonials from others who can verify my word. It's a worthy cause to run long distances for because we go the distance to help property owners, citizens, and cities in reuse these unique assets. Sounds cheesy, but I go to work everyday because I believe in that cause. That's why I'm a member of Team PAM.
Check out my fundraising page on Crowdrise at http://www.crowdrise.com/bonniemcdonlad and please make a donation to help me go the distance.